Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The birds are sure it is time for spring

but the weather is not cooperating. Even though it may feel like it's zero degrees out there, my yard sounds like an aviary. That's got to be a good sign, right?

We got a surprise earlier this week when Charlie's school sent a note home that it was time to register Grace for kindergarten. Only problem is that we're not sure Grace is ready for kindergarten. Her teacher told me today that she's more than ready academically but her maturity is still an issue. It's a very tough decision and I change my mind every five minutes. My gut tells me that she's not quite ready but school is still 6 months away so a lot could change before then. This is one of those times I wish kids were born with a manual.

1 comment:

Vivian Masket said...

Ah yes, a manual would be nice, wouldn't it?! Here's hoping you can find a way to make the decision - I know it's not an easy one.