Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Twas the week before Easter

and all through my house...

was the sound of the carpet cleaner, vinegar squeaking on windows and the tiny screams of tiny spiders dislodged from the hidden corners on the sunporch in which they built webs during the winter. Sorry spiders.

It's been an emotional week. Harry (our pup) had surgery yesterday to remove two masses from his flank. We are still hopeful that they are just cysts. It was even more emotional when I got the bill for the surgery. But we love you anyway Harry.

And the speech. Of course I'm going to say something about Obama's speech. Because despite all the trivializing by the likes of Wolf Blitzer who says it's the same old politics, what I heard yesterday was the best speech given in my lifetime. Whatever happens to this man, in this election, I am proud that I was part of this moment in however small a way.


Mimi said...

Prayers for Harry.

I agree, his speaking uplifts me, and I am not interested in hearing those who call it the same old. Sigh.

Vivian Masket said...

Amen! (And I hope Harry is okay!)