Thursday, December 20, 2007

Doesn't this look nice?

That speck of a human is apparently my brother. Does it look like there are any ropes up there? I can't tell. I'm told he is also in this month's issue of BackCountry Magazine, skiing in some secret location. Secret locations sound really nice. He lives in Taos. Taos sounds really nice too.

It was a rough day. This week was supposed to be calm and relaxed and instead it turned into a frenetic jumble of chaos. But tomorrow is looking good. I spent a good portion of today crying (sometimes, you just need to cry, right?) and I don't plan to spend any part of tomorrow crying.

Tonight I forgot to put sugar in the gingerbread cookies I made to decorate at Charlie's party tomorrow. But you can hardly tell and with some icing and gumdrops, who will know the difference? And Justin correctly points out that no kid is going to actually eat the gingerbread so I'm thinking I will just go with it.

So that's it. If you can string together the random threads of this post, you win a prize. Oh yeah. It was a rough day.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I guess you're as sick of the cold weather as I am! Sounds like you're having a rough day. Just remember no one but you will remember that you forgot the sugar in the cookies. He'll only remember that you cared to make them. Have a Merry Christmas!