Sunday, April 15, 2007

The last straw

for me is the ultra-serious Oprah Winfrey commercial that's been running the last few days advertising Monday's show... "After Imus. Where do we go from here?"

Seriously? Seriously. This shock and outrage everyone is pretending to feel all the while knowing this kind of hate talk has been going unchecked on the airwaves for years. Hate against blacks, hate against women, hate against anyone who looks, talks, smells, thinks, kisses or loves different than "us." Who is us? Apparently grumpy old heterosexual white guys. My blog challenge: I dare you to come up with 5 male synonyms for the word "ho." Challenge #2: See how many synonyms you can come up with for the word as it relates to females. Trust me, your choices are practically infinite.

So what do I do on a dreary, drizzly Sunday afternoon? Apparently channel my old, grumpy inner-white guy.

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