Friday, July 13, 2007

Busy busy day

but it felt so good to be productive. Our new motto around here is AFDI - actually friggin' do it! And so, when Justin had the idea to paint Charlie's old tricycle pink for Miss Grace, instead of stewing on it for months and then forgetting about it, he actually did it. Lots of that going on these days. The purging continues apace and the collection for the garage sale is reaching frightening proportions. No idea what I will do with all this stuff if noone wants to buy it. Lots of ideas what I will do with the cash if someone does ;)

So, just in case anyone is wondering how Justin's jihad is going... on Wednesday he told his department that they are required to watch an Inconvenient Truth with their families. Today, he decided he is going to send an e-mail to the entire company requesting that they watch it (his little dvd is going to get quite worn out, no?) and if they don't like it and can articulate why, he will pay them $20. I am trying very hard to dissuade him from this plan because I fear financial ruin. He has also decided (again) that he is going to run for President. His solution for the fundraising issue is to join the World Tour of Poker. Although I pointed out that he has never played poker for money, he is not discouraged. I need a vacation.


Mimi said...

You'll make an awesome First Lady!

Anonymous said...

He could play pro rock paper scissors instead :O)