Friday, July 27, 2007

Since I'm still sitting at my computer

I thought I might as well blog. I accomplished nothing on my to-do list today. This is because I stumbled across another long-neglected chore that I decided to AFDI. One of the things I let go last fall was photo organization - I generally keep photo albums of all our pictures and then order doubles for the ones I want to scrapbook. Sometime last fall, I let that whole system get away from me and I just grabbed pictures willy nilly as they came in and vowed to order the replacements later. Then, I piled all those packs into drawers and forgot about them.

Not the best system. So today I finally dug in and separated and organized all the pictures I've taken since last September. This is thousands and thousands of pictures. Then I had to figure out which pictures were missing (because I scrapbooked them) and upload only those ones to be re-developed. I've made it through Charlie's birthday this year and I've re-ordered 300. It is S L O O O O O W going. But it's one of those organizational chores that acts like a balm to my anxious soul. Next, I will tackle my closet. (I'd like to insert a terrified looking smiley right here.)

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