Thursday, November 29, 2007

I come by it naturally

I'm not a follow the recipe kind of a cook. I mean, I follow the recipe the first time, but after that, all bets are off. A little of this, a pinch of that, throw some of this in there and voila! Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much.

I made ham earlier in the week and wanted to make my great-grandmother's ham potpie with the leftovers. I've never actually made this recipe because my mom always does it. I'm a wimp and I don't really like to touch meat that much. Pennsylvania Dutch potpie doesn't actually have a crust, instead you make dumplings with the dough and drop them into the boiling broth.

So I pulled out my grandma's recipe and here is what I found:

1 c celery
1/2 c onion
2 diced potatoes

Dumplings: Flour, salt and enough leftover broth to make pie dough. Cut into squares and drop into boiling broth. Cook in covered pot for 1/2 hour.

So I guess on the broth and the ham parts. And the dumpling part. Okay, I guessed on pretty much all of it. And I can pretty much guarantee it is not going to taste like hers used to. But hopefully we will still be able to eat it.

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