Monday, November 19, 2007

That crazy amino acid tryptophan

Well, scientists says it's really not the tryptophan that makes you sleepy on Thanksgiving and it's really the carbs but tryptophan is much more fun to say. Anyway, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my in-laws here yesterday and it was a lovely day right up until the tryptophan kicked in during the Steelers game and I fell asleep and missed it all right up until I woke up just in time to see the Jets score in overtime. It would have been better to sleep through that part too.

Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions? Aside from the meal of course. Our is The Muppets Christmas Carol. Best Christmas movie ever and it goes on as soon as we're done eating. This might be why my husband often decides to go home as soon as we're done eating because there is no football at my parent's house. And then the girls play Scrabble. Come to think of it, I'm surprised Justin doesn't go home even earlier. The last two years we've had a sick kid and he's used that as an excuse, if they stay healthy through Thursday he might have some trouble.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Great LO! We have a few non-typical traditions. The adults pick our Secret Santa's since we don't exchange gifts with all the adults anymore. This way we all get a few gifts to open. At the end of the night my hubby sets up our tree so I can spend the weekend decorating for Christmas. I am hoping to start a new tradition this year. I bought a pre-fab gingerbread house & will let the cousins decorate it. It'll hopefully keep everyone occupied & HAPPY! Happy Thanksgiving Sarah!