Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Do you make resolutions? We kind of do but never with any real intention of following through. This year is different. I am energized and excited and bursting with ideas. So I'm going to lay them all out here...

- Read to them every time they ask.
- Deduct $1 from the scrapbook budget everytime I say "not right now." (And no Justin, that doesn't apply to you nor do you receive the money!)
- Maintain a 3 day/week running schedule
- Write something every day. Write something every day. Write something every day.
- Re-start Weight Watchers tomorrow. Stick with it.
- No computer in the morning before school. Period.

I also started a new photo blog and you can check it out here:
http://livefromthemonkeyhousephotos.blogspot.com/. If I don't keep up with it, nag me, okay?

This first day of the new year was a little bit off balance. No one (read dogs, kids) slept in after staying up until midnight. So the kids were very cranky/whiny/cranky/whiny. Which means mommy was a little cranky/whiny. But I finished re-organizing my scrap space and I have to say I'm thrilled with it. Thrilled to finally have everything sorted and a place for everything and well, just to have such a happy, colorful place to call my own.

Justin also got on a roll with the organizing and cleaning and got all of the outdoor Christmas decorations down and put away. Then, because he donated his large shelf to my scrap space, he cleaned his wine-making room while the kids and I went to the New Year's pork and saurkraut dinner.

The kids are already in bed and Justin is going to sit in his car and watch a movie on ipod while smoking a cigar (another thing that makes mommy cranky and whiny) while I scrapbook a little bit and then we are going to snuggle up together and watch Zodiac as we say goodbye to the holiday vacation. All in all, a pretty pleasant, typical day to begin the new year. Tomorrow, it's back to the real world!

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