Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So THAT'S why she was crying

Strep throat and a viral infection. Together a potent combination. Poor kid.

The doctor confirmed my suspicions. He said it has been the busiest fall they've had since opening their practice umpteen years ago (remember, he was my pediatrician too!) He said actually, the summer was crazy too. They don't know what's going on but there is lots of stuff going around right now.

I had a very, um, interesting conversation with Charlie's teacher today. She does not seem to believe in kids being challenged beyond the curriculum. I do not think we are kindred spirits. But Charlie likes her (and she seems to like him) so that's what counts. Instead, we went to the library and he took out some books on reptiles and space. Totally cool boy stuff.

And if you haven't been watching it, I highly recommend the new Ken Burns PBS documentary "The War". My grandfathers did not fight in the war. My dad's father couldn't pass the physical - his eyes are terrible. And my mom's dad was too young - he joined up right at the end but never saw any action. But it is fascinating to watch the accounts from their contemporaries and see it from both sides - the men who fought and the people who stayed at home. There is not a lot of "new" information in it but it has that Ken Burns quality that makes it interesting anyway.

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